Archive for the 'Demographics' Category

About the effect of demographics on capital markets …

Despite GAO Flim-Flam, Most Boomers May Be Disappointed

In recent articles, I wrote of the General Accountability Office’s endorsement of Wall Street’s rosy view of the retirement prospects of Baby Boomers, and also questioned assumptions regarding expected total return on which these views are based. The Great Retirement Experiment One question that remains is the value of assets that Baby Boomers must sell in future […]

Baby Boom Bomb Debate: Productivity vs. Population

The Milken Institute debate that was highlighted in an earlier article, Common Stock Legend Disavowed: Professor Siegel’s Epiphany, brought into focus two opposing views regarding the possible negative impact on stock prices to be caused by the retirement of the Baby Boomer generation. Michael Milken, the Chairman of the Institute, took an optimistic stance, suggesting that […]

Deporting Illegal Immigrants: Are We Nuts?

No one knows for sure the facts on illegal immigrants living in the United States. Nevertheless, lets start with one common estimate of the illegal population: 12 million persons. Now, some have suggested that the U.S. deport these twelve million people, sending them back to their land of birth. Lets assume that illegal immigrants will not pay any […]

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