F101. Nonfinancial Business, Nonfarm Business, Corporate Business
Federal Reserve definition for F101 flow of funds table
This sector includes nonfarm, nonfinancial corporate business (F.102), nonfarm noncorporate business (F.103), and farm business (F.104). Table F.102 is shown on this web site in color-coded format. The other two tables can be found in the Federal Reserve Z.1 report. Proprietor's net investment for the two noncorporate sectors is calculated as a residual.
This table shows the details of gross savings and gross investments for the three sectors combined. Income before taxes is shown for information purposes only; it does not enter directly into the calculation of other items that appear in the table.
For the two unincorporated sectors (nonfarm noncorporate business and farm business), proprietors' net investment is calculated as a residual, so neither sector has a discrepancy; therefore, the discrepancy for nonfinancial business equals the discrepancy for the nonfarm nonfinancial corporate business sector.