F209. Treasury Securities (Treasury Bonds, Bills, Notes)
Federal Reserve definition for F209 flow of funds table
U.S. Treasury securities are marketable and non-marketable securities issued by the Department of the Treasury.
The total for Treasury securities outstanding includes premium and is net of discount. About $8 billion of the total is non-interest-bearing debt, mostly matured securities that have not been presented for redemption.
The figure excludes amounts that are held by government agencies and trust funds (such as Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund) and is thus about $1.7 trillion smaller than value published for the total public debt.
Marketable Treasury securities comprise
Treasury bills (which have original maturities of up to fifty-two weeks),
Treasury notes (maturities of up to ten years);
Treasury bonds (maturities of more than ten years, up to thirty years);
securities issued by the Federal Financing Bank;
inflation-indexed marketable notes and bonds; and
the state and local government series (securities offered for sale to issuers of state and local government tax-exempt debt to assist in compliance with yield restrictions in the Internal Revenue Code).