Historical Notes: Minha Terra Tem Palmeiras, Saudade Minha terra tem palmeiras ..., Saudade, Goncalves Dias

Historical Notes (Continued)

Gon�alves Dias, saudade, Song of Exile

Song of Exile, Gonçalves Dias (translation):

Gonçalves Dias

"Minha terra tem palmeiras onde canta o sábia" is one of the most beloved Brazilian poems, heavy with patriotic sentimentality and nostalgia (saudade) for the homeland.

In my country there are palms where the sábia sings;

The song birds here, never sing like those at home.

Our skys have more stars,

Our fields have more flowers,

Our woodlands have more life,

Our lives have more love.

When musing at night alone,

I sense more happiness there,

In my country there are palms where the sábia sings.

In my country there are things that just can not be found here,

In my country there are palms where the sábia sings.

Oh God, don't let me die,

Before I get back home,

Before I can again find those things that are not here,

Before I again can see those palms where the sábia sings.

For a site heavy with nostalgia for Brazil in the 1960s, see: Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro.


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