General links
Financial Services Fact Book: Total Mortgages  |
Fannie Mae  |  |
Ginnie Mae  |
Freddie Mac  |
Sallie Mae  |
Bond Market Statistics  |
European Securitization Forum: Statistics and Data  |
Mortgage Professor's Advice and Counsel  |
The U.S. Mortgage Market: A Model of Dueling Charters  |
Making New Mortgage Markets  |
SEC: Mortgage Backed Securities |
Agency Passthroughs (Powerpoint) |
An Investor's Guide to Mortgage-Backed Securities |
An Implied Prepayment Model for Agency Mortgage Backed Securities  |
The Secondary Mortgage Market (Powerpoint) |
NYU: Mortgage-Backed Securities  |
Mortgage-Backed Securities (Flash) |
The ABS, MBS, and Agency Bond Markets |
Vinod Kothari's Securitization Website |
Karl Jeacle's Mortgage Calculator |
Bloomberg Mortgage Calculator | Mortgage Calculator |
'A Mortgage Fund on a Sound Footing', Business Week |
LaSalle: Agency CMOs |
Fannie Mae Single Family Guides |
Fannie Mae Multi-Family Guides |
Fidelity: Mortgage Backed Securities |
History of the Bond Market Association |
San Francisco Fed: Mortgage Refinancing 2003 |
Loan prepayment modeling |
CBO: Effects of Repealing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's SEC Exemptions. |
The Effect of Pre-Payment Modeling in Pricing MBS  |
Rational Pre-Payment and Valuations of MBS  |
Low Income Mortgage Terminations  |
Specific Links: Agency Securities
Monthly Treasury Statement   |
Treasury Bulletin  |
Federal Housing Finance Board  |
Fannie Mae  |
Ginnie Mae  |
Freddie Mac  |
Farmer Mac |
Connie Lee (No Longer Funded) |
Sallie Mae  |
Farm Service Agency  |
Export-Import Bank of the United States  |
Bond Market Association: Government & Federal Agency Securities Division  |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC  |
The Federal Housing Administration  |
Bureau of Land Management  |
FSLIC Resolution Fund |
Financial Assistance Corporation |
U.S. Coast Guard |
The Architect of the Capitol |
United States Postal Service |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
Commodity Credit Corporation |
Yahoo: Agency Bonds 101 |
Specific Links: Total Mortgages
Mortgage Bankers Association: Mortgage and Market Data   |
Federal Reserve Statistics: Conventional Mortgage Rates  |
Bond Market: Average Daily Trading of Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities  |
Relationship between non-business bankruptcies and consumer debt  |
Federal Reserve Board: Household Debt Service & Financial Obligation Ratios  |
Financial Services Fact Book: Mortgage Finance and Housing |
National Association of Mortgage Brokers |
Federal Reserve: Interagency Advisory on Mortgage Banking  |
Hoover's: Mortgage Banking and Related Services | Mortgage Links |
International Mortgages: the BASEL Capital Accords |
Philadelphia Fed: BASEL II, The Impact of Competition on U.S. Financial Services |
CBS Market Watch: Mortgage Rates |
'The Handbook of Mortgage Banking: Trends, Opportunities, and Strategies', Hardcover, Jess Lederman
A comprehensive guide to the mortgage banking industry |
'Residential Mortgage Lending: Principles and Practices', Marshall W. Dennis, Thomas J. Pinkowish
An excellent review of the development of residential lending in US, government regulations, major market players, and important product types |
Books on Mortgage Banking |
Books on Consumer Finance |
Mortgage Magazines |
'Prisoners of Myth: The Leadership of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 1933-1990', Paperback, Erwin C. Hargrove
The first comprehensive history of the Tennessee Valley Authority |
'How the Bond Market Works, Paperback, Robert Zipf
First published in 1988, this popular guide has gone through ten sell-out printings. Now updated. |
'Serving Two Masters, Yet Out of Control: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac', Paperback, Peter J. Wallison, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research |
'Collateralized Mortgage Obligations: Structure and Analysis', Hardcover, Frank J. Fabozzi, Chuck Ramsey
Sheds light on this highly technical subject – one of the fastest-growing sectors of the fixed-income securities market. |
'Collateralized Debt Obligations & Structured Finance: New Developments in Cash & Synthetic Securitization', Hardcover, Janet M. Tavakoli
Highlighting caveats introduced by the rapid growth of credit derivatives technology in structured finance. |
Books on mortgage backed securities |
Books on credit derivatives |
'The Mortgage & Mortgage-Backed Securities Markets', Hardcover, Frank J. Fabozzi, Franco Modigliani
An authoritative work from the Harvard Business School Press. |