Standard & Poor’s issued a report in December 2005 on “Credit Profiling the U.S. Flow of Funds Data” that should be of interest to followers of Capital Flow Analysis.

At this writing, this 11-page report is available in PDF format, without charge, on the S&P website.

Credit Profile: US Economy
Credit Profile: US Economy

Some conclusions of this report are:

  1. Domestic and foreign non-bank sources of funds have blunted the Federal Reserves moves to raise interest rates.
  2. Strong balance sheets in the household sector should reduce concerns about low savings rates.
  3. Balance sheets of the nonfinancial corporate business sector continue to look healthy, although for specific companies, credit downgrading has outpaced credit improvement.
  4. Foreigners own 27% of U.S. corporate debt and their asset allocation preferences play an increasingly important role in U.S. capital markets.

This report contains an interesting discussion, along with tables and graphs.


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