General links
American Bankers Association  |
U.S. House Committee on Financial Services  |
Federal Reserve System  |
Federal Reserve Bank of New York  |
Bank for International Settlements  |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
U.S. Department of the Treasury  |
The World Bank Group  |
National Association of Securities Dealers  |
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission  |
New York Stock Exchange |
International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)  |
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision  |
Chicago Board Options Exchange  |
Securities Industry Association  |
American Stock Exchange  |
Independent Community Bankers of America |
The Enron Nine: Major Banks Involved in the Enron Scandal |
U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs |
New York State Banking Department |
Money: What It Is; How It Works |
How The Fed Works |
Deposit Insurance and Risk Management of the U.S. Banking System |
Bank Derivative Activity in the 1990s |
Enhancing Bank Transparency: Risk Institute |
Financial Economists Roundtable Pooh-poohs Derivative Risk (Before LTCM) |
GAO Report on Long Term Capital Management  |
Risk Management Lessons from Long Term Capital Management |
Failure of Long Term Capital Management: Speech in House of Representatives |
An Investor's Guide to Asset Backed Securities  |
Association of Financial Guaranty Insurers |
Orrick: Structured Finance |
An Overview of Credit Card Asset Backed Securities  |
Securities, Commodities, and Financial Service Sales Agents |
SEC Law web site |
Investors and Securities: Office of NY State Attorney General Elliot Spitzer |
NACHA: The Electronics Payment Association |
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation |
SEC Division of Market Regulation: Broker-Dealer Reports |
The Structure of OTC Derivative Markets  |
SEC Testimony on OTC Derivative Markets |
IMF View of International Capital Markets |
Greenspan: Regulation of OTC Derivatives |
Understanding the Glass-Steagall Act |
The Long and Bumpy Road to Glass-Steagall Reform |
Fractional Reserve Banking Revisited |
Banking Lessons from the Ante Bellum South |
Cato Institute: Bank Failures and Systemic Risk |
Bank Failures in the Great Depression |
Continental Illinois and 'Too Big To Fail' |
Case Study: Penn Square Bank NA  |
Savings Banks History |
The Fed's Predecessors in American History |
Banking in American History |
Charles Merrill: Founder of Merrill Lynch |
The J.P. Morgan Chase - Bank One Watch |
Historical Perspectives: Pecora Hearings 1933 |
Suspension of payments and bank failures |
Ludwig von Mises Institute: The Monetary Breakdown of the West |
Important dates in the history of gold |
Custodians wake up to risk reporting |
Continuous Linked Settlement: What Custodians Need to Know and Do |
Citibank Corporate History |
The Association of Global Custodians  |
Risk Institute: Overview on Netting and Insolvency |
Statement of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association  |
What is an Interest Rate Swap? |
Chicago Board of Trade: 10 Year Interest Rate Swaps Futures |
Futures Industry Association |
International Swaps and Derivatives Association |
Group of Thirty (G30) |
International Securities Services Association: ISSA Handbook |
Cato Institute: International Banking Regulation and Basel II |
International Securities Lending Association |
BNP Paribas Equity Derivatives Glossary |
Derivatives Glossary |
Financial Accounting Standards Board: Derivatives Implementation Group |
Glossary of 5000 Financial Terms in English, German, French, and Italian |
Derivatives Portal on the Internet |
Securities Industry Institute |
Specific Links: Commercial Banks
Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council  |
FDIC: Bank Data and Statistics  |
FR Board: Structure and Share Data for U.S. Offices of Foreign Banks  |
Chicago Fed: Bank Holding Company Data  |
Yahoo Directory of Bank Holding Companies  |
SIA: Bank Holding Company Act of 1956  |
Cleveland Fed: Bank Holding Company Data  |
Financial Services Fact Book: Banking  |
Foreign Bank Offices by State  |
Dept of Treasury: Executive Office for Terrorist Financing & Financial Crime  |
Federal Reserve Release H.8: Assets & Liabilities of Commercial Banks  |
Open Secrets: Political Contributions of Commercial Banks (Look up)  |
FDIC: Commercial Bank Reports  |
ERS: USDA: Commercial Banks and Agriculture  |
American Banker Online: Rating the Banks  |
BIS: Commercial Banks in the Securities Business  |
Specific Links: Savings Institutions
FDIC: Statistics of Banking (Check Savings Institutions)  |
FDIC: Savings Institutions Reports  |
FDIC: The S&L Crisis: A Chrono-Bibliography |
Office of Thrift Supervision: Statistical Releases  |
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Savings Institutions  |
Open Secrets: Savings and Loans Political Contributions  |
OTS: Thrift Industry Charts  |
OTS: Thrift Industry Selected Indicators  |
OTS: Risk Management Series of Papers  |
National Credit Union Administration  |
Federal Financial Institutions Examinations Council (FFIEC)  |
Financial Services Fact Book: National Savings  |
Morningstar: Savings and Loans: Total Returns |
Specific Links: Issuers of Asset-Backed Securities
Sallie Mae Annual Report  |
Securitization Net: Articles on ABS  |
Financial Services Fact Book: Asset Backed Securities  |
Asset Backed Alert: Rankings of Market Players  |
Asset Backed Alert: ABS Market Statistics  |
Association of Financial Guaranty Insurers |
MBIA: World's largest guarantor of structured finance  |
Fannie Mae: Mortgage Backed Securities |
SEC: Mortgage Backed Securities  |
Ginnie Mae: Mortgage Backed Securities Guide  |
Fixed Income Clearing Corporation : Mortgage Backed Securities  |
Trepp CMBS Services |
Finpipe: Mortgage Backed Securities |
General Electric Structured Finance |
CATO Institute: Uses and Abuses of Structured Finance |
Fixed Income Toolbox: Mortgage Backed Securities |
Specific Links: Securities Brokers and Dealers
BLS: Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents.  |
U.S. Census Bureau: 1997 Economic Census  |
Open Secrets: Political Contributions of the Securities Industry  |
SIA: Key Trends in the Securities Industry  |
SIA: Securities Industry Employment (NY area)  |
SIA: Securities Industry Financial Results  |
SIA: Selected Securities Industry Statistics  |
Securities Industry Automation Corporation SIAC  |
New York Stock Exchange  |
NASDAQ Stock Market  |
American Stock Exchange  |
Instinet: The Institutional Broker  |
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation  |
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission  |
ABA Securities Association  |
The Bond Market Association  |
Chicago Board of Trade  |
Chicago Board Options Exchange  |
National Association of Securities Dealers NASD  |
INET: The Electronic Futures Exchange  |
Commodity Futures Trading Corporation CFTC  |
Pacific Exchange  |
World Federation of Exchanges  |
International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)  |
International Securities Services Association (ISSA)  |
National Investment Banking Association |
National Association of Stockbrokers |
Family Office Exchange |
Hedge Fund Association |
New York Society of Security Analysts |
Association of Global Custodians |
'Securities Industry News', Subscription |
'Securities Operations: A Guide to Trade and Position Management', Hardcover, Michael Simmons
If you don't know the back office, you don't understand the securities industry. |
'After the Trade is Made: Processing Securities Transactions', Hardcover, David M. Weiss
A classic work of securities operations.
'Global Custody: The Industry, The Strategies, and The Competitive Opportunities', Hardcover, James Essinger
Global custody is the basis for the international securities market.
'Leading Investment Bankers', Aspatore Books Staff,
Articles on investment banking from heads of Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, Salomon Smith Barney, and more. |
'Inside MBS & ABS', Subscription
Premier source of information on MBS and ABS |
'Commercial Mortgage Alert', Subscription
Fed's source for FOF data. |
'Salomon Smith Barney Guide to Mortgage-Backed and Asset-Backed Securities', Hardcover, Lakhbir Hayre
Comprehensive treatment of MBS/ABS market, by the pioneers who helped create the market. |
'Thrifts Under Siege: Restoring Order to American Banking', Paperback, R. Dan Brumbaugh
Reveals how legislators and regulators mishandled the crisis for over a decade. |
'The S&L Debacle: Public Policy Lessons for Bank and Thrift Regulation', Hardcover, Lawrence J. White
Surveys the U.S. thrift industry since the 1930s through the failure of savings and loans in the 1980s. |
'The Invisible Hand of U.S. Commercial Banking Reform: Private Action and Public Guarantees', Hardcover, Margaret M Polski
Description of evolution of U.S. banking in the late 20th century. |
Bank Management, Hardcover, Timothy W. Koch, Steven Scott Macdonald
Text book by Professor Koch (USC) explains workings of U.S. commercial banks at opening of 21st century. |
'Financial Risk Management in Banking: The Theory and Application of Asset and Liability Management', Hardcover, Dennis G. Uyemura, Donald R. Van Deventer
Asset and Liability Management (ALM) in banking, beyond the MBA level, but presented in a simple style. |
'Clearing, Settlement, and Custody', Paperback, David Loader
Clearing, settlement and custody is at the heart of everything that happens in the financial markets. |
'The History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II', Paperback, Marray N. Rothbard
Never has the story of money and banking been told with such rhetorical power and theoretical vigor. |
'King of Capital:Sandy Weill and the Making of Citigroup', Hardcover, Amey Stone, Mike Brewster
James Stillman Rockefeller (City Bank President in the 1950s) may be turning over in his grave. |
'Value-at-Risk: Theory and Practice', Hardcover, Glyn Holton
(VaR) is a measure of market risk that has been widely adopted since the mid-1990s for use on trading floors |
'Wriston: Walter Wriston, Citibank, and the Rise and Fall of American Financial Supremacy', Hardcover, Phillip L. Zweig
One of the first MBAs to hit Wall Street. |
'Commercial Bank Management', Hardcover, Peter S. Rose
The field of banking from the perspective of both a bank customer as well as a bank manager. |
'Financial Institutions Management', Hardcover, Anthony Saunders, Marcia Cornett
A comprehensive, excellent overview of risk management in different kinds of financial institutions. |
'Financier: The Biography of Andrè Meyer: A Story of Money, Power, and the Reshaping of American Business', Hardcover, Cary Reich
He ran Lazard Frères New York operation and became one of the most famous limousine liberals. |
BOOK SEARCH: Banking History |
BOOK SEARCH: Commercial Banking |
BOOK SEARCH: Savings Institutions |
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BOOK SEARCH: Securities Exchange Commission |
BOOK SEARCH: Asset Backed Securities |