Capital Market Players: Retirement and Other Fund Managers
Category Overview
Fund Managers
Most Americans hire professionals to manage their portfolios
Professional portfolio managers control a major part of the money that flows to the U.S. capital market.

Fund managers manage other people's money for a fee.
Generally, the larger the portfolio, the higher the fee, although management costs are not closely related to the size of a portfolio.
The way fund managers' performance is judged depends on the type of portfolio they manage:
Defined-benefit pension and retirement funds have fixed monetary goals set fifteen to twenty years hence.
Open-end mutual funds have goals measured as 'total return' dependent mainly on short-term price movements. The manager's responsibility to the investor is often diluted by multiple levels of fiduciaries.
Bank personal trusts and estates manage money to meet needs of specific individuals.
Exchange-traded funds are usually designed to follow the composition of a specific security index.

The SEC does not require open-end fund administrators to provide information to long-term investors that might help them judge the intrinsic value of fund portfolios, nor does the manager bear responsibility as to the appropriateness of the investor's initial asset-allocation decision.
Unsophisticated mutual fund investors with unquestioning acceptance of the Common Stock Legend have been a major force behind the long bull market in stocks since the early 1980s.