General links
World Trade Organization  |
U.S. Dept. of Treasury: Foreign Portfolio Investment Benchmark Surveys  |
Cato Institute: Causes and Consequences of the Trade Deficit |
St Louis Fed: The U.S. Trade Deficit and the 'New Economy'  |
Council on Foreign Relations: The U.S. Trade Deficit: A Dangerous Obsession |
Using Disaggregated Data to Dissect the U.S. Trade Deficit |
Grandfather Economic Report: Trade & International Debt |
Warren Buffet: Trade Deficit is Selling the Nation Out From Under Us. |
U.S. Trade Deficit: Causes, Magnitude, and Consequences |
IMF on Globalization |
Emory University Globalization Web Site |
World Bank on Globalization |
Globalization Guide |
Global Policy Forum on Globalization |
Athabasca University Globalization Site |
Globalization: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy |
World Commission on Social Dimension of Globalization (ILO) |
Economic Policy Institute: Trade and Globalization |
Trilateral Commission: Globalization |
Mt Holyoke: Links on Globalization |
Foreign Policy in Focus: World Trade Organization |
WTO Watch |
University of Chicago: WTO Law |
The IFLA Position on the WTO |
IFLA Position on the World Trade Organization |
The WTO History Project |
The SDR: Reserve Currencies and International Monetary System |
Euro Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy |
IMF: International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity |
The Empire of the Yen |
World Gold Council |
World Commodities and World Currency |
U.S. Treasury Department: Legal Tender Status of U.S. Currency |
EconWPA Paper: Will The Dollar Be Replaced? |
J. Bradford Delong: Anatomy of the Global Economy (monthly commentary) |
Joseph Stiglitz: Unconventional Economic Wisdom (series of articles)  |
Lester C. Thurow: The Dollar's Day of Reckoning |
FX Street: The Forex Market |
Inflation-Free Pricing Rules for a Commodity-Reserve Currency |
Currency Competition: Some Options Considered |
Friedrich von Hayek: proponent of a 'commodity reserve currency' |
Abstractions, Things, Wealth, and Deindustrialization |
After Deindustrialization and Financial Collapse |
Japan as a Technological Superpower |
America's Dissident Voices: Free Trade and the Deindustrialization of America |
RAND: High-Technology Manufacturing and American Competitiveness  |
Technology, Jobs, and Inequality: What Is The Connection? |
Gold Digest: It's The Fiat Dollar, Stupid! |
After Capitalism: Why Manufacturing Matters  |
The Cambridge-MIT Institute; Manufacturing Matters (Free Video Conference) |
Princeton: Paying the Bill, Manufacturing and America's Trade Deficit  |
National Association of Manufacturers |
IMF: Offshore Financial Centers |
Palmer & Dodge: The Patriot Act: Compliance Issues for Mutual Funds |
BEA: Foreign Direct Investment in the United States |
Foreign Direct Investment in U.S. Critical Infrastructure |
International Portfolio Investment Flows |
U.S. Equity Investments in Foreign Markets: Portfolio Rebalancing or Returns Chasing? |
Taxation of Foreign Person's U.S. Income |
Council of Foreign Relations: Don't Panic: How Secure Is Globalization's Future? |
Global Policy Forum: Cheapening the Dollar |
Specific Links: Rest of the World
Survey of Current Business  |
BEA: Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S.  |
BEA: Balance of Payments: International Transactions  |
IMF: Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey  |
BEA: International Economic Accounts  |
Bank for International Settlements: International Financial Statistics  |
U.S. Department of the Treasury: Treasury International Capital System  |
U.S. Department of Treasury: Exchange Stabilization Fund  |
Web sites of World Stock, Options, and Futures Markets  |
CNN Money: Indices of World Stock Markets  |
Balance of Payment Statistics: 1965-1997 |
Heritage Foundation: Escaping the Vicious Cycle of Foreign Debt |
GPF: Could Overseas Financing Hurt the U.S.? |
CATO Institute: How We Can Cut The Trade Deficit. |
Understanding the U.S.-China Balance of Trade |
World Bank: International Capital Flows |
San Francisco Fed: The Composition of International Capital Flows |
Aging and International Capital Flows |
Globalization, Capital Flows, and International Regulation |
NY Fed: The Impact of Exchange Rate Movements on U.S. Foreign Debt. |
CSIS: Assessing Risks of Cyber-Terrorism, Cyber-War, & Similar Threats.  |
GPF: Reimposing the Dollar Hegemony |
Ludwig von Mises Institute: Perils of the Dollar Standard |
Foreign Affairs: Hegemony or Empire? (Niall Ferguson) |
FBI: Offshore Financial Centers |
Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. |
Indonesia May Dump Dollar -- Rest of Asia Too? |
From Petrodollars to Petroeuros -- Are the Dollar's Days as an International Reserve Currency Drawing to an End? |
The Dollar's Day of Reckoning --- Lester C. Thurow |
'Global Capital Flows: Should They Be Regulated?', Hardcover, Stephany Griffith-Jones
Forward by Nobel Laureate, James Tobin |
'Capital Flows and Financial Crises', Paperback, Miles Kahler
A study of financial crises in Pacific-Asia, Latin American, and Eastern Europe during the 1990s. |
International Financial Statistics (monthly)
Standard source of data on international finance and capital flows from the International Monetary Fund |
'Whose Trade Organization? A Comprehensive Guide to the World Trade Organization', Paperback, Lori Wallach, Patrick Woodall, Ralph Nader
A Handbook for Activists. |
'Unholy Trinity: The IMF, World Bank, and WTO', Paperback, Richard Peet
Professor Peet provides intellectual heft to the placards of anti-globalization protestors. |
'The Political Economy of the World Trading System: From GATT to WTO', Paperback, Bernard Hoekman, Michael Kostecki
A full study of WTO and GATT. |
'50 Years Is Enough: The Case Against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund', Paperback, Kevin Danaher
What people have been shouting about in Seattle and beyond. |
'The Vandals' Crown: How Rebel Currency Traders Overthrew the World's Central Banks', Hardcover, Gregory J. Millman
How currency options and other derivatives threaten the international monetary system. |
'An Introduction to Foreign Exchange & Money Markets', Hardcover, UK London Reuters Ltd
A beginner's tutorial on forex and money markets. |
'The Globalisation of Poverty: Impacts of IMF and World Bank Reforms', Paperback, Michael Chossudovsky
An economist's realistic view of mismanagement by the World Bank and the IMF. |
'MITI and the Japanese Miracle: The Growth of Industrial Policy 1925-1975', Paperback, Chalmers A. Johnson
This books shows that 'industrial policy' can work |
'The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays', Paperback, Ludwig von Mises, Gottfried Haberler, Friedrich A. Hayek, Richard M. Eberling. |
BOOK SEARCH: International Capital |
BOOK SEARCH: Trade Deficit |
BOOK SEARCH: World Bank and the IMF |