General links
CalPERS: One of the world's largest public pension funds  |
TIAA-CREF: Another giant pension fund.  |
Association for Investment Management and Research  |
The Investment Company Institute  |
Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation  |
Closed-End Fund Association  |
First Citizens Bank: Estate and Trust Management |
UMB Bank: Trust Services |
New York Life: Modern Portfolio Management Theory  |
Modern Portfolio Theory: A Nobel Prize Winning Approach |
The Failures of Modern Portfolio Management  |
A Primer on Post-Modern Portfolio Theory |
Markowitz says that Michaud has built a better mousetrap.  |
Behavioral Finance questions Modern Portfolio Theory |
Journal of Financial Planning: Risk Tolerance, Investments versus Insurance. |
Fifty Years of Portfolio Theory |
Terrorism and Economic Turmoil; Risk Management and Covariance. |
Automatic Investor and Modern Portfolio Theory |
Valid Criticisms of Modern Portfolio Theory and the Efficient Market Hypothesis |
A Useful Simplification of Modern Portfolio Theory |
How Trustees Get Into Trouble |
Pension Funds (Overview)  |
CalPERS Board Members: Government Bureaucrats and Union Leaders |
Wall Street Week / Fortune: Fund Managers' Pay Remains Cloudy |
Where are the Portfolio Manager's Yachts? |
Average Portfolio Manager Salary |
NY State Attorney General Calls for Wall Street Fund Managers to Reform |
SEC regulation of funds and advisors |
The Vanguard Group: one of the largest mutual fund families. |
Fidelity Funds: another large family of mutual funds. |
National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts |
AIMR Chartered Financial Analysts Program |
Mutual Funds and the Retirement Market  |
Asset Management and Retirement Funds  |
Fiduciary Responsibility in Light of U.S. Mutual Fund Industry Problems |
National Association of Personal Financial Advisors |
Wharton School: Mutual Fund Research |
Institutional Investor Web Site |
Brill's Mutual Funds Interactive |
Quicken Mutual Fund Finder |
Yahoo Finance: Mutual Fund Center |
CBS Marketwatch: Mutual Funds |
Forbes: Mutual Funds |
MSN Money: Fund Research |
Smart Money: Mutual Funds |
ASPA: American Society of Pension Actuaries |
American Academy of Actuaries |
What is an Actuary? |
Index Fund Advisors |
Sharpe: Asset Allocation, Management Style, & Performance Measurement. |
Judging Fund Managers by the Company They Keep. |
Performance Measures for Dynamic Portfolio Management. |
Business Times: Popular Performance Measures Do Not Indicate Skill |
Business Report: New Concept Measures Asset Manager's Skill |
Value at Risk as a Portfolio Performance Measure |
Mutual Fund Tax Efficiency |
U.S. Census Bureau: 1997 Economic Census |
Tax Efficiency of Exchange Traded Funds |
Professional Risk Models and Portfolio Analytics for Asset Managers |
Specific Links: Bank Personal Trusts & Estates
FDIC: Trust Institutions Information  |
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council  |
FFIEC: 2000 Trust Assets of Financial Institutions (See Table A-2)  |
FDIC: Trust Examination Manual |
Trust and Asset Management Handbook  |
ABA National Trust School |
Citigroup Private Bank: Trust & Fiduciary |
TIAA-CREF: Trust Company |
UBS Fiduciary Trust Company Portfolios: Performance Summary |
U.S. Trust |
Certified Trust and Financial Advisor (CTFA) |
Certified Retirement Services Professional (CRSP) |
Washington State Bar Association: Revocable Living Trusts |
AARP: Living Trusts |
Specific Links: Private Pension Funds
DOL: Consumer Pension Plan Information  |
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation  |
American Benefits Council  |
Underfunding of Private Pension Plans  |
Independent Consultants Cooperative |
DOL / EBSA: Publications and Reports  |
Brookings Institution: Defined Benefits Pension Plans |
Global Action on Aging: Private Pension Issues |
On the Disparity between Private and Public Pensions |
Corporate Governance and Pension Plans |
Wharton School: Pension Research Council |
ERISA in the United States Code |
Private Pension Policies in Industrialized Countries  |
GAO: Private Pension Plans Face Short and Long-Term Challenges  |
Private and Other Pensions (International Comparisons)  |
ICI: The Expenses of Defined Benefit Pension Plans and Mutual Funds  |
Specific Links: State & Local Gov't Retirement Funds
U.S. Census Bureau: State & Local Government Retirement Systems  |
Census Bureau: Finances of State & Local Government Retirement Systems  |
AFSCME: AFL-CIO: Union of State & Local Government Employees  |
State & Local Government Employees Coverage by Social Security & Medicare |
National Association of State Budget Officers  |
State and Local Government Retirement Survey  |
National Council on Teachers' Retirement  |
National Conference of Public Employee Retirement Systems  |
National Association of State Retirement Administrators  |
UCSD: Census of Governments, 1992: Finance Statistics |
Urban Institute: Impact of Pension Funding on State Government Finances  |
Public Pension Funds in Japan  |
State and Local Government Fiscal Position in 1999  |
SSRN Abstract Search: Employee Benefits, Compensation, & Pension Law |
Pension Underfunding & Liberal Benefits of State & Local Governments  |
Grandfather Report: State & Local Government Spending |
The Comparative Value of Pensions in the Public and Private Sectors |
State & Local Government Retirement Programs: Alternatives to Social Security |
Specific Links: Federal Gov't Retirement Funds
Federal Retirement Programs  |
FERS: Federal Employees Retirement System  |
NARFE: National Association of Retired Federal Employees  |
Defense Finance and Accounting Service: Retired and Annuitant Pay  |
Department of Veterans' Affairs  |
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program  |
Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program  |
Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program  |
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board  |
Railroad Retirement Board  |
Social Security System  |
Thrift Savings Plan for Federal Employees  |
Federal Government Employment and Payroll Data  |
Law: Federal Employees Retirement System  |
Comparing Federal Employee Benefits with those in Private Sector  |
Payment to the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund  |
OPM: Retirement Eligibility Statistics (FERS)  |
OPM: Retirement Eligibility Statistics (CSRS)  |
Congressional Retirement Plan |
Congressional Retirement: Too Generous? |
President's Proposal to Accrue Retirement Costs for Federal Employees |
Federal Reserve Board Retirement Portability Act |
NARFE: Myths of Federal Retirement |
Department of Defense: Military Retirement Trust Fund  |
The Excess Cost of Government Employment in the U.S. |
Specific Links: Money Market Mutual Funds
ICI: Money Market Mutual Fund Assets (Monthly)  |
NY Fed: The Money Supply  |
Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.6: Money Stock Measure  |
NY Fed: Money Market Mutual Fund Reports |
Money Market Mutual Funds and Market Efficiency |
Look beyond yield when buying money market funds |
Yahoo: Money Market Funds Explained |
Role of Credit Agencies in Portfolio Management of Money Market Funds  |
Money Market Funds in the S&L Crisis |
Specific Links: Mutual Funds
Investment Company Institute: Mutual Fund Statistics  |
Boston Fed: Monthly Mutual Fund Report  |
Quicken Mutual Funds  |
SEC: Mutual Fund Fees and Expenses  |
SEC: Information Available to Investment Company Shareholders |
Investment Company Institute Profiles Mutual Fund Investors  |
National Securities Clearing Corporation  |
Morningstar: Mutual Fund Category Performance |
Morningstar: Mutual Fund: Biggest Gainers |
Morningstar: Mutual Fund: Biggest Losers |
CBS Marketwatch: Mutual Funds |
Smartmoney: Mutual Funds |
Forbes: Fund Survey |
Brill's Mutual Fund Terms |
Fund Marketing Alert |
Mutual Fund Shareholder Activity During U.S. Stock Market Cycles  |
Fund Shareholders: Characteristics, Knowledge, & Sources of Information  |
Bank of America: Mutual Fund Liquidity Trends  |
ICI: Mutual Fund Ownership and Shareholder Characteristics  |
Why Are Most Mutual Funds Open-End?  |
Specific Links: Closed-end & Exchange-Traded Funds
ICI: Closed-End Fund Statistics  |
ICI: Exchange-Traded Fund Statistics  |
Closed-End Fund Association  |
Closed-End Fund Industry Statistics  |
SEC: Closed-End Funds  |
American Stock Exchange: Closed-End Funds  |
CEF and ETF Web site  |
NASDAQ: Compare the Performance of Exchange-Traded Funds  |
SEC: Exchange-Traded Funds  |
Yahoo: Exchange-Traded Funds Center  |
Index Funds Web site (includes ETF) |
CBOE: Exchange-Traded Funds: Product Specifications  |
Nuveen: Closed-End ETFs  |
Smartmoney: Exchange-Traded Fund Center  |
ETFs, Futures, and Options based on Russell Indexes  |
Closed-End Fund Research Articles |
Site-by-Site: Closed-End Funds Center |
ICI: A Guide to Closed-End Funds  |
Princeton: A Positive Theory of Closed-End Funds as an Investment Vehicle  |
A Survey of Research Papers on Closed-End Fund Discounts |
Wachovia: Leverage among Closed-End Funds  |
The Impact of Leverage on Closed-End Funds  |
Morningstar: Exchange Traded Funds |
NYU Stern School: Pricing Exchange Traded Funds  |
Specific Links: Real Estate Investment Trusts
NAREIT: Research and Statistics on REITs  |
NAREIT: Traded REITs Chart Book  |
REITs 101 |
All About REITs |
Chicago Fed: Points to Consider when Financing REITs  |
Brookings Institute: The Future Role of REITs in Real Estate Finance  |
'Investing in REITs: Real Estate Investment Trusts', Hardcover, Ralph L. Block
A Practical look at REITs and how they work. |
'Real Estate Investment Trusts: Structure, Analysis, and Strategy', Hardcover, Richard T. Garrigan, John F. C. Parsons
Comprehensive sourcebook on REITs, written by professionals. |
'Investing in Closed-End Funds: Finding Value and Building Wealth', Textbook, Albert J. Fredman, George Cole Scott, Steven M. Cress
A definitive work on the arcane world of closed-end funds. |
'Exchange Traded Funds and E-Mini Stock Index Futures' Hardcover, David Lerman
The advantages of two innovative trading instruments. |
Morningstar Principio Pro Quarterly CD-ROMs on Closed-End Funds
Professional statistics on 400+ closed-end fund, operates in research and portfolio mode. |
'Value Line Investment Survey' Subscription (weekly) |
'Morningstar Principia', CD-ROM subscription
Professional tool for managing portfolios of mutual funds. |
'The Mutual Fund Business: 2nd Edition', Paperback, Robert C. Pozen
An expert text on mutual funds for MBAs and serious students. |
'Weiss Ratings' Guide to Bond and Money Market Mutual Funds', subscription.
Quarterly ratings and analysis on over 4,200 fixed income funds |
'Virtual Money: Understanding the Power and Risks of Money's High-Speed Journey into Electronic Space', Hardcover, Elinor Harris Solomon
All about electronic money. |
'Houdini and the Federal Budget Hoax: A Special Report to Reveal the Magic of Using Your Social Security Pension to Hide the Federal Deficit and Much More', Paperback, Jack E. Steineger
An expert gives a frank analysis of the U.S. Federal Budget. |
'A History of Public Sector Pensions in the United States', Hardcover, Robert Louis Clark, Lee A. Craig, Jack W. Wilson.
Public pension schemes from colonial times until the 20th century. |
'The State and Local Government Workers' Retirement Savings Guide', Paperback, Bruce S. Stuart
Practical advice for public employees |
'Pensions in the Public Sector', Hardcover, Olivia S. Mitchell, Edwin S. Hustead, Wharton School Pension Research
An expert treatise on public pension funds. |
'Journal of Pension Planning and Compliance', Magazine |
'Managing Pension Plans: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Plan Performance', Hardcover, Dennis E. Logue, Jack S. Rader
Useful guide to how pension fund managers think. |
'Trusts & Estates', Magazine |
'Managing Family Trusts: Taking Control of Inherited Wealth', Hardcover, Robert A. Rikoon
The nuts and bolts of the personal trust business by a seasoned expert. |
'Modern Investment Theory', Hardcover, Robert A. Haugen
Textbook covering portfolio theory, capital asset pricing, interest rates and bond management, and options and forward and futures. |
'Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis', Hardcover, Edwin J. Elton, Martin J. Gruber, William M. Goetzmann
Analysis of individual securities as well as combining securities into efficient portfolios. |
'The Paradox of Asset Pricing', Hardcover, Peter Bossaerts
A scholarly, useful, and logical attack on the flaws in modern asset pricing models. |
'Does the Capital Asset Pricing Model Work?', e-book, David W. Mullins Jr.
This Harvard Business School Publication points out the strange assumptions behind the CAPM. |
'Beating the Street', Paperback, Peter Lynch
An look into the mind of the manager of Magellan Fund that delivered top performance during the 1980s. |
'Pension Fund Investment Management', Hardcover, Frank J. Fabozzi
Articles on pension fund management selected by an editor of the Journal of Portfolio Management |
'The Journal of Portfolio Management', magazine, monthly
Research, theory and applications on portfolio management for investment professionals |
BOOK SEARCH: Estate Planning |
BOOK SEARCH: Mutual Funds |
BOOK SEARCH: Exchange Traded Funds |
BOOK SEARCH: Closed-end Funds |