General links
Federal, State, and Local Government Retirement Systems (Census Bureau)  |
Federal Government Salaries Table  |
American Federation of Government Employees (the union for civil servants)  |
Complete U.S. Federal Government Agencies Directory  |
Census data on Federal, State, and Local Governments  |
National Federation of Federal Employees  |
National Education Association (Lobbying Group for Teachers)  |
Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective (Indiana University) |
U.S. Office of Personnel Management: Federal Retirement Programs |
Understanding the Wisconsin Civil Service System |
Civil Service Retirement System (U.S. Department of the Interior) |
State Universities Civil Service Classification Specification (N. Illinois University) |
Civil Service Threatened by Bush (NY Times Editorial) |
The Spoils System vs. The Merit System |
Civil Service Reform (1860s) |
Teachers' Salaries by State |
Government Executive Magazine Online |
Unions and Government Employment |
The Hawaii Government Employees Association (union) |
A Job At the World Bank: High Pay and No Income Tax |
Corruption Perception Index: U.S. ranks below Singapore and Australia. |
Government Employee Unions Deliver Votes for Democrat Party |
IMF: The Ideal Government Job: Six figure salary and many extras, no income tax. |
Brookings Institute whines 'Can't Public Servants Get Some Respect?' |
1997 Census of Governments: Federal, State, and Local Governments |
AFL-CIO sues federal government to represent government employees and wins. |
Hatch Act for Federal Employees (Political activism by public servants) |
Hatch Act for State and Local Government Employees. |
National Association of Letter Carriers AFL-CIO |
National Treasury Employees Union |
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees AFL-CIO |
President Clinton Turns Government Management Over to Unions 1993 | : Funding the Labor Movement |
Where Unions and Government Workers Invest Their Pension Funds |
Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund |
Politics, Big Business, Big Government, Big Media |
Occupational Outlook: Government Chief Executives and Legislators |
Census of Government Organizations: Popularly Elected Officials  |
Cato Institute Speech on 'Reinventing Government' |
IRS Abuse Reports |
IRS Abuse of Taxpayers' Fifth Amendment Rights Defeated |
Senate Testimony of David Burnham on IRS Abuse |
IRS Workers Abuse Internet Access |
Senate Testimony of Phillip A. MacNaughton on IRS Abuse |
Cato Institute: Ten Top Civil Liberty Abuses of the Income Tax |
The Politics of Government Growth  |
Project on Government Secrecy |
U.S. Department of Labor: Measuring Government Productivity |
Rutgers University: National Center for Public Productivity |
Citizens Against Government Waste |
Citizens for Tax Justice |
Cato Institute: Federal Aid to Dependent Corporations |
Cato Institute: Corporate Welfare |
Hoover Institution: Getting Business Off The Dole |
Project on Government Oversight |
Government Employees Relations Report |
A New Charge Against Fraud and Waste |
Specific Links: State and Local Governments
CAFR Network   |
Census Bureau: Retirement Systems of State and Local Governments  |
Government Finance Officers' Association (GFOA)  |
Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB)  |
SLGS Securities (U.S. Treasury)  |
BEA: Index to NIPA Tables (See State & Local Governments) |
Locating Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR) |
The CAFR Exposed |
FASB and GASB: What's the Difference? |
Specific Links: Federal Government
Federal Reserve Bulletin  |
BEA: Survey of Current Business (See U.S. International Transactions)  |
Monthly Statement of the Public Debt  |
IRS: Statistics of Income  |
Office of Management and Budget  |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation  |
Treasury Department: The Public Debt Online  |
U.S. National Debt Clock  |
The Federal Budget: Fact File  |
Citizen's Guide to the Federal Budget  |
BEA: NIPA Accounts Index (See Federal Government) |
Budget of the U.S. Government - Fiscal Year 2005 |
World Bank: Government at Risk: Contingent Liabilities and Fiscal Risk |
IMF: Contingent Government Liabilities, A Hidden Fiscal Risk |
Receipts and Outlays of Federal Government 1789 - 2005 |
National Debt Awareness Center |
40 million filers pay no income taxes. |
Specific Links: Government Sponsored Enterprises
Federal Home Loan Banks  |
ABA: Industry Issues: Federal Home Loan Bank System  |
Federal Housing Finance Board  |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development  |
OFHEO: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight  |
Fannie Mae  |
Freddie Mac  |
Sallie Mae  |
Farm Credit Administration  |
FDIC: The S&L Crisis: A Chrono-Bibliography  |
Law: Federal Land Banks  |
FCSIC: Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation  |
Farm Credit System Institution Types  |
SLM Holding Corp. |
CATO Institute: The Financing Corporation, GSEs, & Moral Hazard |
OCC: Financing Corporation funding |
Law: Resolution Funding Corporation (REFCORP)  |
Financing Vehicles (FICO and REFCORP) & the Board of Governors of the Fed  |
BEA: NIPA Tables Index: (See Federal Government, Government Enterprises) |
'A State of Risk: Will Government-Sponsored Enterprises Be The Next Financial Crisis?', Hardcover, Thomas H. Stanton
How America is balancing its books on a high wire. |
'Government Sponsored Enterprises: Mercantilist Companies in a Modern World', Hardcover, Thomas H. Stanton
Are GSEs still useful? |
'The Budget-Maximizing Bureaucrat: Appraisals and Evidence', Hardcover, Andre Blais, Stephane Dion
Essays on what motivates government officials. |
'If Americans Really Understood the Income Tax: Uncovering Our Most Expensive Ignorance', Hardcover, John O. Fox
Exposes the narrowness of the tax base and how tax laws reveal government values. |
'Government Finance Review', Magazine Subscription. |
'Urban Financial Stress: Why Cities Go Broke', Hardcover, Joan K. Martin
This hard-to-find book should be in the library of every student of the economics and politics of local government. |
'Take the Rich off Welfare', Paperback, Mark Zepezauer
A book about government waste. |
'The Sixteen Trillion Dollar Mistake: Paperback, Bruce S. Jansson
Government waste from FDR to Clinton |
'Colossus: The Price of America's Empire', Hardcover, Niall Ferguson
America's imperial status and its consequences by one of the world's best historians. |
'Union Organizing in the Public Sector: An Analysis of State and Local Elections', Paperback, Kate Bronfenbrenner, Tom Juravich
A serious statistical analysis. |
'Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It', Paperback, James Q. Wilson
A comprehensive and insightful guide to the motivation of the federal government |
'The Final Days: The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White House', Hardcover, Barbara Olson
Government at its worst |
'The Rights of Public Employees: The Basic ACLU Guide to the Rights of Public Employees', Paperback, Robert M. O'Neil
The chilling facts on why it is almost impossible to fire incompetent public servants. |
BOOK SEARCH: State and Local Government |
BOOK SEARCH: Federal Budget |
BOOK SEARCH: Government Sponsored Enterprises |