Wall Street ballyhoo and flim-flam to the contrary, the year 2005 closed-out half a decade of misery and pain for the average investor in US equities according to Federal Reserve flow of funds accounts F102 and L102.

Investors Forsaken by the SEC
Investors Forsaken by the SEC

During these years, the SEC, the investors’ watchdog, had forsaken investors and averted its gaze from the diversion of shareholder wealth through buyback-option schemes, while appearing to protect shareholders’ interest with the show trial of Martha Stewart, for a matter unrelated to ordinary investors’ well-being.

With January 2000 as a starting point, the Federal Reserve flow of funds accounts show that stock investors were down $4.3 trillion in portfolio value and dividend payouts in 2005 were only running at about the same level as in 2000, five years earlier.

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Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott were awarded the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Science in Memory of Alfred Nobel for 2004 for their work in “time-consistent policy and the generation of the business cycle”.

As is the case with these awards, the contributions of these men have long ago been absorbed by the academic community. The primary effect of awarding these prizes is to confer prestige on the winners, encouraging further work in a particular area, and enhancing the value of their opinions in the public media.

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